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Monday, January 11, 2010

The POV revived...ready for the Olympic Games....

I have been inactive for a while, mostly due to the onslaught of digital postings and senseless messages fueled by the craze of making money in this space... see Twitter, Facebook, et. al. Who may be the next big social website?
Well there will be more water under the bridge and cause its digital it might be lost in cyberspace at the click of a button.

Anyway an exciting upcoming event worth writing about, especially in the cold of the winter when all else is dormant, are the Olympic Winter Games. My favorite, over the Summer's, with all its activities from skiing, hockey, ice skating, boarder cross, to biathlon and sledding events. Its always fun to enjoy the games in the warmth of the house. And while I'm not sure if I can personally attend this great event, here is an interesting program by Panasonic. Its about 5 athletes from non-traditional winter sports countries, with unique stories about their efforts.
Its called 5 Dreams:
Here are videos:

Let's see how they fare...and hope the coverage will be great, I wish NBC would show not just US athletes and tone down the constant sappy heroism theme. We know we're a great a country no need to constantly drill it in....(alright I'll stop being political). Take a hint from the Euro networks, they'll broadcast Olympic events LIVE all day. I know I know....primetime, money, advertising dollars, return on investment...arghhhh sometimes its sickening how the world seems to be infatuated by nothing but Making Money.

Enjoy the coming days....stay warm, and support your athlete, country, favorite sport at the Olympics in Vancouver....!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The First Page...Blogging or not?


And welcome to my first ever blog, not sure if this is something worth doing or pursuing, but since the world seems to be engulfed in blogs, news and opinions from semi smarts, very smarts and less than half smarts, I thought I might give it a shot...I'm sure its fun, and maybe even entertaining.

It seems that everyone has something to say these days, particularly through blogs and while that could be considered democratic, it is true that not everyone has something to say. On one note though, the current 'Atlantic' magazine features an article by Andrew Sullivan which vouches for blogging and compares it to a more free style of writing and thinking vs. traditional publishing, freer than ever before. And that may be the essence of it all and the positive in today's digital transition wilder toughts, easier thrown out, faster consumed, more democratic....just don't forget....did you waste yours' or someone else time, make money with or even serve a purpose? But then does it matter..its digital remember!

In any event....feel free to send your opinion, be honest, be straight, use it as a platform. Post a thought, be wild, make this your forum and let me know how your world is turning these days. And please remember the one whining...if I want w(h)ine, I'll open a bottle....

Cheers from Bklyn....Marty

PS: Andrew Sullivan's Why I blog: